Entered Rtestsh1::Launch3d in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 242 Entered Inst3d::Inst3d in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 393 Entered LandScape::Init in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 10847 pLandTexRezTable = 7906c8 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 10874 Entered keytests::Reg3dConv in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\Input\Keystub.cpp at line 222 Before while - i == 457 in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\Input\Keystub.cpp at line 228 Exiting keytests::Reg3dConv in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\Input\Keystub.cpp at line 240 Exiting Inst3d::Inst3d in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 611 before tmpview=... in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 275 'inside' tmpview=... in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 277 after tmpview=... in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 279 Entered View3d::MakeInteractive in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1134 Entered View3d::MakePassive in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1145 Entered Lib3D::SetDriverAndMode in .\LIB3D.CPP at line 2320 Entered Lib3D::_SetDriverAndMode in .\LIB3D.CPP at line 2366 Entered Renderer::SetDriverAndMode in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1615 Before creating the device, pD3DDevice9 = 0 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1675 Device Lost: After creating the device, D3DPresentParams.BackBufferWidth = 1280 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1705 1 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1713 2 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1753 3 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1759 4 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1768 5 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1790 6 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1825 7 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1834 8 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1840 before InputClass in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1221 before pInput->Enter3d in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1226 before NewInitTileManager in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1307 Entered LandScape::NewInitTileManager in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 1951 TILE_GRID_WIDTH = 17 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 1954 pTileGrid = 14895ff4 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 1964 pTileBuffer = 14e8947c in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 1972 Entered LandScape::NewInitFarTileManager in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2017 WaterDetail = 2 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2020 HorizonDistance = 2 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2023 FAR_TILE_GRID_WIDTH = 49 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2062 SaveFarTiles = 0 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2085 FarTileFP = 76d0d8 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2114 before AllocateLandscapeTextures in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1309 DeviceLost (possibly): SetupRenderBlocks()! in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 2400 before SetDirectSoundWindow in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1319 before ViewPoint in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1332 before OverLay.SetScreen in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1341 before OverLay.LoaderScreen in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1344 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before Land_Scape.InitTextures in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4083 before LoadBMP in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4108 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before WKInitGeometry in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1347 In InitGeometry in .\StaticInitExitD3D9.cpp at line 204 DeleteStaticRendererStuff in .\StaticInitExitD3D9.cpp at line 174 CTextureInfoViaRowanIndex::re_init in ..\3D\wkimage.cpp at line 68 OneMultiSkin::ForgetSubSkins in .\MultiSkin.cpp at line 509 OneMultiSkin::ForgetSubSkins in .\MultiSkin.cpp at line 509 FreeMultiSkins in .\MultiSkin.cpp at line 520 After theTextureInfoViaRowanIndex.re_init in .\StaticInitExitD3D9.cpp at line 213 After loading deferred shapes in .\StaticInitExitD3D9.cpp at line 227 After WKInitGeometry in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1354 before _Miles.Init3D in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1357 before _Miles.SetDirectSoundWindow in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1363 before OverLay.LoaderScreen(0+32); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1366 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 after OverLay.LoaderScreen(0+32); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1368 After _Miles.SetVolumes(TRUE); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1373 before OverLay.LoaderScreen(0+48); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1385 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before OverLay.LoaderScreen(0+64); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1396 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if (flag2) in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1399 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 in stage==0xFFFF) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4114 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 alltcs (time for all LoaderScreens) = 640, tccount = 11 in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4210 before WaitEndDraw(D_YES); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1413 after WaitEndDraw(D_YES); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1416 After if (!tmpview) in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 283 Entered Rtestsh1::OnOk in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 131 Entered View3D::~View3D in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1063 Entered Lib3d::RestoreDisplayMode in .\LIB3D.CPP at line 2424 Entered Lib3d::CloseDown in .\LIB3D.CPP at line 10047 Relase -> 0 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1484 Before releasing the device, pD3DDevice9 = d4b8fa0 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1521 After releasing the device, pD3DDevice9 = 0 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1526 Entered Rtestsh1::Launch3d in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 242 Entered Inst3d::Inst3d in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 393 Entered LandScape::Init in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 10847 pLandTexRezTable = 7906c8 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 10874 Entered keytests::Reg3dConv in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\Input\Keystub.cpp at line 222 Before while - i == 457 in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\Input\Keystub.cpp at line 228 Exiting keytests::Reg3dConv in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\Input\Keystub.cpp at line 240 Exiting Inst3d::Inst3d in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 611 before tmpview=... in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 275 'inside' tmpview=... in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 277 after tmpview=... in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 279 Entered View3d::MakeInteractive in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1134 Entered View3d::MakePassive in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1145 Entered Lib3D::SetDriverAndMode in .\LIB3D.CPP at line 2320 Entered Lib3D::_SetDriverAndMode in .\LIB3D.CPP at line 2366 Entered Renderer::SetDriverAndMode in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1615 Before creating the device, pD3DDevice9 = 0 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1675 Device Lost: After creating the device, D3DPresentParams.BackBufferWidth = 1280 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1705 1 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1713 2 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1753 3 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1759 4 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1768 5 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1790 6 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1825 7 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1834 8 in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 1840 before InputClass in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1221 before pInput->Enter3d in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1226 before NewInitTileManager in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1307 Entered LandScape::NewInitTileManager in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 1951 TILE_GRID_WIDTH = 17 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 1954 pTileGrid = 8644fbb4 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 1964 pTileBuffer = 8116700c in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 1972 Entered LandScape::NewInitFarTileManager in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2017 WaterDetail = 2 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2020 HorizonDistance = 2 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2023 FAR_TILE_GRID_WIDTH = 49 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2062 SaveFarTiles = 0 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2085 FarTileFP = 76d0d8 in c:\merlin\bob\src\3d\..\3D\Landscap.cpp at line 2114 before AllocateLandscapeTextures in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1309 DeviceLost (possibly): SetupRenderBlocks()! in .\RenderD3D9.cpp at line 2400 before SetDirectSoundWindow in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1319 before ViewPoint in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1332 before OverLay.SetScreen in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1341 before OverLay.LoaderScreen in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1344 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before Land_Scape.InitTextures in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4083 before LoadBMP in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4108 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before WKInitGeometry in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1347 In InitGeometry in .\StaticInitExitD3D9.cpp at line 204 DeleteStaticRendererStuff in .\StaticInitExitD3D9.cpp at line 174 CTextureInfoViaRowanIndex::re_init in ..\3D\wkimage.cpp at line 68 OneMultiSkin::ForgetSubSkins in .\MultiSkin.cpp at line 509 OneMultiSkin::ForgetSubSkins in .\MultiSkin.cpp at line 509 OneMultiSkin::ForgetSubSkins in .\MultiSkin.cpp at line 509 FreeMultiSkins in .\MultiSkin.cpp at line 520 After theTextureInfoViaRowanIndex.re_init in .\StaticInitExitD3D9.cpp at line 213 After loading deferred shapes in .\StaticInitExitD3D9.cpp at line 227 After WKInitGeometry in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1354 before _Miles.Init3D in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1357 before _Miles.SetDirectSoundWindow in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1363 before OverLay.LoaderScreen(0+32); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1366 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 after OverLay.LoaderScreen(0+32); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1368 After _Miles.SetVolumes(TRUE); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1373 before OverLay.LoaderScreen(0+48); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1385 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before OverLay.LoaderScreen(0+64); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1396 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 before if (flag2) in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1399 before if ( stage == 0 ) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4072 in stage==0xFFFF) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4114 before g_lpLib3d->BeginScene(RENDERTARGET_PRIMARY); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4126 before SmokedGlassBox in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4145 before g_lpLib3d->SetGlobal( TOGGLE_TEXTURE_QUALITY, &curQual ); in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4164 before if (doneonce==1) in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4181 alltcs (time for all LoaderScreens) = 1296, tccount = 22 in .\OVERLAY.CPP at line 4210 before WaitEndDraw(D_YES); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1413 after WaitEndDraw(D_YES); in .\STUB3D.CPP at line 1416 After if (!tmpview) in c:\merlin\bob\src\mfc\..\MFC\Rtestsh1.cpp at line 283